
Daisypath Wedding tickers

Monday, October 22, 2012

If it was me

If i was him. I will stay at the airport until the office open and try to nego to get the fastest flight home. As the other friend get theirs,it is worth trying. But i noe,deep inside his heart,he fed up already to get back home. Maybe his mind and heart is more toward the exam. I was there once. And i noe how it felt. But i still wasting 4 to 5 hours of my precious time wasted at the KK, and sacrifice  all the exercise that i used to do just because i might endanger our little one.    I still cant believe it

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rasmi ergo baby carrier

Yeay..tgh ari td posmen dtg anta ergo baby carrier. Hu3. Terkejut posmen tgok harga barang. Bg mommy,yg tbk utk anak mommy stakat yg mommy mampu.

Ptg ni jgk rasmi pg tesco. Bes sgt!!! Freedom felt. Anak mommy tdo jer.harap amru syg jg slesa dlm ni.nnt ad mase kte posing ngn tweet yr.. Biar daddy jeles.. (yeke??)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Amru fakhry 50 days

Mommy sayang amru fakhry.. Nt ad masa mommy slow citer psl syg eh. Nt besar2 mommy xingat dah.hehe.. 50 days n sayang dah kateh; bak kata tok we :)