
Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1st time meeting you...

do you still remember this day??
d first time met since xcited to c u..
n i know that i mis you so much
wanna be close to you
wanna love u n being love by you
n care about each other
what i think bout you...
  1. hnsem,i think so
  2. smart, u r..
  3. caring??not really
  4. romantic..u r fantastic
  5. n u can satisfy me..

hope,we will be together our heart

syg b selamanya

Saturday, December 13, 2008


i love u.but i dunno whether should i luv u o i relly luv u??

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

long-distance love???

demi org itu...

hm..syg b..
lepas sket rindu.. da lame sgt x ckp.. nasib baik clear
tp frust jugk..
nk dengar b nyanyi ;p

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ikan keli

adoi..pnt tol tnggu..memg da milik xde dgn ak..nk tnggu die xpenh sedr pun..